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As a public artist, I believe art should be seen, felt, and experienced by many people, common people, not hidden in an artist’s studio or gallery, or hoarded by wealthy collectors.
As a teacher artist, I believe that making art is as essential to education as reading, writing, math, science and sports.
As a citizen artist, I believe that art education and public support of the arts are essential to our well-being, and to our understanding of what it means to be human, and what it means to be civilized.
As a woman artist, I believe that art enables a conversation about gender roles that need not be confrontational.
As a political artist, I believe that art can and should be made, discussed, and understood by anyone who wants to, regardless of their education, their social or economic class, or their color or beliefs. 
As a business owner artist, I believe that art can inform a less authoritarian, more creative and more inclusive way of leading and making decisions.

Art is a different way of learning, of investigation, of discussion, of knowing. Like science, it builds on previous work, but the practice and appreciation of art is available to all, at any age or level of experience.
Art has the power to speak to the future of our world.  It has the power to change how we interact, how we build, how we relate to one another, and how we take care of our planet.  Art is for people, lots of people, for everyone.  We can all make art, appreciate art, and have enlightening conversations around art.  In art, everyone is equally valuable, and validated.  Art can be public, and intimately private.  It can benefit the invention of new systems in technology, and in construction, as well as very core of how we educate our people, and take care of our society's health.